Tourist on the loose

A day in Colombo - that nearly killed me!

I rested from my early start before freshening up and at 12.10pm decided against all perceived wisdom to walk into Colombo today in order to see the sights! Walking along the sea front was exhilarating, the railway line separated me from the sea, though crossing it was easy enough and anyone and everyone did in order to get to the sea, though the footpath easy enough.

There was nothing about the physical walk (yet) that troubled me, what caused me greatest frustration was the interruption of every empty Tuc Tuc that approached assumed I was lost and looking to go somewhere and that the only way was via Tuc Tuc. Now I don't mind the enterprising drivers, and it wasn't their fault that I had been stopped 20 times already, so I maintained my composure and explained to every one of them, that I was perfectly happy making my way on foot.  - "In this heat" they queried, yet shook their head, (which by now had a relevance I could understand) and drove off.

My route around Colombo took in the following sights -

Boy Scout 50yr memorial

National museum of Colombo

This remarkable site in Colombo has become a major tourist attraction due to its historical significance and extraordinary work of architecture. It is one of the significant heritage sites of the city that you must visit. So i did!

 I rather stumbled across this Commonwealth War Grave site by accident, it's located out of the main city environs and whilst not lost, I was temporarily uncertain of my exact location.

Liveramentu Cemetery is a large municipal Cemetery about 1.5km from the city centre, on Torrington Avenue. The war graves plot is near the left corner of the municipal cemetery.

The entrance to the cemetery incorporates the memorial tablets commemorating over 300 men who dies while serving Sri  Lanka (Ceylon), whose graves either could not be found or, 
if found could neither be permanently maintained, 
nor moved to cemeteries where their maintenance for all time could be assured.

In addition, a memorial commemorating 28 Italian Prisoners of War who dies during 1939 - 45 and who are buried in Sri Lanka, stands within this cemetery.

By now the physical walk is becoming too much, I can see the perspiration on my legs is coming through my trousers, my shirt is clinging to me I can feel that it is soaking wet, the headband of my Tilley Hat is similarly soaked and the sweat line is at the crown! I've consumed nearly 4 litres of water - I'm wandering aimlessly, in the general direction of the sea, using my navigational skills here and walking towards the setting sun!

I emerge onto the sea front in time to see the sun begin its slow decent below the horizon.....

 ...and having enjoyed that creative beauty I head off in the wrong direction of the hotel for about 15 minutes, it's getting dusk and I realise I entered the sea front above the Hotel, faltering and stumbling I retrace my erring footsteps...

Returning to my room some 6 hours since I left I collapse exhausted onto the bed - checking my pulse, my breathing, and my feet all at the same time!

The walk into Colombo nearly killed me!
