Kirk Yetholm to Wooler (Wednesday 24th April)

Distance 19.2km - 12 miles

Climbing up from Halterburn around Green Humbleton - the first of many hillforts along this part of the walk, dropping back down via Elsonburm to Hethpool.

Today I caught up with Bruce.
Bruce was some way ahead of me along the path, he had paused to take a photograph (he did this regularly) just sufficiently long enough for me to catch him up. He asked me "Where are you heading" to Wooler I answered, I'm walking the St Cuthbert Way - "So am I he said."

Bruce and I walked gently step by step over the following hours as we shared and talked.
He was from New Mexico!

This was his third Long Distance Walk in Scotland - he loves to come back!

Our route takes us over the head of the College Valley and home of the Collingwood Oaks.
Then onwards through woodland and a good track along the Cheviot foothills, heading for Yeavering Bell.

A lovely path leads through the heather over Gains Law, down to the small market town of Wooler.

There must be a better view!
And the Youth Hostel (where we have stayed these last 2 nights 
and will remain until Saturday Morning.
