Sunday and priestly role.

So, Sunday 24th March We went to St Elphins in Warrington, It's been a while since I attended sung Eucharist at the 10.30 service, and though I was in Warrington, (singing and language aside) it was little different from my experience at St Paul's Kandy last week.

Though it was as you'd expect, a fairly regular service reasonable well attended, not full by any stretch of the imagination and I didn't count the communicants, though I suppose there may have been something north of 50

I've decided that rather than choosing one local church to attend during this period, instead to seek out those churches and congregations that are doing thinks differently, to go and experience alternative worship where it exists and see what that looks like, how feasible it may be within our circuit as we consider fresh expression of Worship an Fresh Expression of Church.

So with that in mind we visited Christchurch Pennington (Leigh) yesterday.  It was Mothering Sunday and as such was a family all age service, by my guess in excess of 250 people of all ages. It was a joyous lively occasion worship leader led with contributions from many, whilst the message around the prodigal son (interesting lectionary text for mothering Sunday) was delivered by the youth worker. A bustling church with the usual dubious after service coffee served in the welcome space, and though it lasted a little over the hour there was no hurry for anyone to leave.

Take note the church has recently invested in a new projector and screen along with two flat screens. It's always worth visiting other churches and speaking to their AV teams to discuss their problems and solutions.

Screens welcome spaces access communication avlinks coffee comfey chairs literature tracts booklets noticesheets, strange as it may seem your church is unlikely to be doing anything that hasn't already been done somewhere else!

Am off to the boat now for some quiet time as I ponder yet more on the call to this corner of God's great creation, to the Methodist church and specifically the Leigh and Hindley Circuit.

On my visit to Sri Lanka one of the questions was what do we or what shall we call you?
Residential lectureres are 'Father or Mother.' Visiting ladies non clergy are refered to as Auntie. It wasn't a long conversation and it wouldn't be simply Andrew. No the introduction was 'Reverend Andrew' and more often simply 'Reverend.' It took a little while for me, but actually it mattered!

Acknowledging the fact that I am an ordained clergyman, and though we celebrate the priesthood of all believers, there is the recognition that some are called to that different place of service and obedience. 'Set Aside ' from earthy demands supported by God through his church for special purpose.
Wesley too recognised the importance of the ordained priestly role in the ordering of the church, for he contentiously (room for conversation here) ordained Bishops to lead the church in America.

For we forget at our peril that it is not through the will, wisdom or purpose of 'man' that I find myself here, but through the will, wisdom and purpose of God.

My obedience to him, as a priest in his church, he and he alone directs where, when and why ... when I question and become despondent and unsettled, when this priestly role feels more than I can bear, I remember the cross, the burden carried and the sacrifice given even to me, then I recall my meagre (by comparison) sacrifice, from me and my family in his service - I need to remember that from time to time.
