
Day 2 Genesis 15:5 - Genesis 27:37

Sabbatical it may be, but that's no reason for leisureliness so despite the previous long day of travel, morning prayer beckoned. It's a long time since I saw 6:45 in the morning! The prayer time begins in silence and at seven o'clock the service of prayers readings and sermon begins.

Many of the students were away for the weekend so the service was light in number, taking the opportunity to sit at the back, well I'm a Methodist aren't I, and besides there weren't any seats, no it wasn't that they were all occupied, that's where the only seats were, 9 of them.
In future I shall sit try to remember on the floor with the students.

Breakfast followed, thankfully I had been prepared, if I was expecting cooked English breakfast cereal toast and hot coffee, I am going to be disappointed,  instead after the routine of washing hands and preparing the plate, breakfast comprised of rice and curried eggs, which though different was perfectly enjoyable.

Quick introductions follow, (it will take me longer than 3 weeks to learn everybody's name) then after a quick change and I'm off to worship at the Methodist church in Kandy, (1897) where I sat in a pew and could have been anywhere in England.

The local preacher led us in singing from hymns and psalms with his guitar, and preached from Luke 6: 27 - 36 Jesus says "love your enemies'. No mean challenge when you consider the cultural, social, economic and political struggles of the Sri Lankan people.

Coffee was taken at the Queens Hotel, (you can google them) a short walk away before our Tut - Tuck driver navigated the Sunday traffic, same as Friday's and Saturday's and whisked us back to TCL

Today I invite your prayers for students: